Cover Art: Ava Carr
Editor's Letter | Laura Maylene Walter
PoetryThe Dorm Room Sign I Stole When I Was 18 Shows Up in Every Bathroom Selfie | SG Huerta
Laundry Day | Mallory Rader They Came with the Night | Ellen June Wright nobody remembers the birdman | Timothy Fox Reciprocation | Michael Eaton notes to Lake Erie after the storm | KJ Cerankowski The Night is Always Female | Despy Boutris I researched this poem, I promise | Mary Rose Manspeaker ProseWhat's Wrong with Our Brains | Philip Jason
Sama and the Fish | Subhravanu Das They Will Melt Away Anyway | Yiru Zhang The Hungry Ghost | Eliot Li On Reflections | Caroline Miller MentorshipsBitter Herbs | Alanna Shaikh (poetry)
Erarrat's Apples | Karim Ragab (fiction) What He Planted | Joanne Lozar Glenn (nonfiction) Youth Outlet
Gordon Square Review is a publication of Literary Cleveland, a nonprofit committed to creating a vital, diverse, and supportive literary community in Northeast Ohio.