1. ray of sunshine 2. beautiful flower 3. goddess of intelligence 4. a fireplace after a cold day 5. a soft presence 6. never too dark 7. a hero without a cape 8. incomplete dreams that soon become reality 9. important to everyone 10. the future 11. the universe’s savior 12. more than target practice 13. shadowed soul 14. Ms. Attitude 15. black elastic 16. a sweet scent 17. God’s gift to humanity
Ronnea Worley Ronnea Worley is a senior at John Hay High School. She is a writer, rap artist, and photographer. Ronnie has been a part of Sisterhood for five years.
About Issue 7's Youth Outlet Partner: The West Side Community House's Summer of Sisterhood is an intensive, 8-week summer arts camp designed to teach inner-city girls how creative expression can transform a community and positively impact public perception. Participants work with professional artist/teachers in several areas of the arts, including music and poetry composition, creative writing, dance, and acting to develop a project that they write, perform, and record.