Creatures of Habit, Habits of CreaturesFiction by Lisa Ferranti
The magician loves the swish of his black silk cape when he bows. Savors the echo of applause off the upholstered walls of the auditorium, the awe on the faces of those close up, the ones who hoped they’d glimpse his secrets. He relishes the feel of the rabbit’s scruff in his palm as he holds it high, before placing it on the pedestal in time for the return of the two doves that flew from his sleeves with a flip of his wrists during the finale. They circle above and then back to him, their spindly feet grasping the extended finger perch on his left hand. He grandly sweeps his right caped arm toward his lovely assistant, requesting that the crowd show her love, too, just as he does, although never publicly, of course. For him to love her requires the most skillful sleight of hand of which he is capable.