I have started to not trust anything in a red hat
Addendum: To trust anything red at all Anything that might remind me of my blood How it could stain over anything midnight How it leaves anything hot as a loaded pistol How I can see it in the neck of the dog How it bleeds in between the stitching of the flag And I don’t trust my own blood either That it won’t leave me if they decide I am a building worth opening Red is on everything I’m not willing to die for Covering everything trying to kill me
Jason B. Crawford
Jason B. Crawford is black, bi-poly-queer, and a damn force of nature. In addition to being published in online literary magazines— such as High Shelf Press, Wellington Street Review, Poached Hare, The Amistad, Royal Rose, and Kissing Dynamite—he is the Chief Editor for The Knight’s Library. His chapbook collection Summertime Fine was a short list selection for Nightingale & Gale. Jason is also the recurring host poet for Ann Arbor Pride.